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Terms Of Use – Piano Freak

Dear users

Welcome to Piano Freak (the website). On the website you can learn to play the piano easily and with pleasure.
We offer you online piano lessons in a variety of styles, sheet music for download and printing and original playbacks for training and practice.
By actually entering the website, using it and any component of it, perusing its contents or any other activity using it, in any way and/or any platform, you indicate your agreement to everything stated in these terms of use ("Terms of use"), in the The website's privacy policy ("Privacy Policy"), and in any other guidance detailed on a specific page (all together and separately will be called "The Terms", whether you have read them in full or not, and you will not be able to claim ignorance of them.

Therefore, you are asked to read the terms carefully before you start using the site.
If you do not agree to what is detailed in them - please do not enter or use the site, as you will be subject to them.

In this document, "the website" also means its owners, operators and anyone on their behalf, as far as this is relevant. "User" or "You" means any person and/or entity that makes any kind of use of the website and any service offered on it.

1. Making contact
For any question or request, the most convenient way to contact us is by using the button for sending
Messages to the site in the bottom bar.

2. The purpose of the site
On the site you can enjoy online piano lessons of various types, purchase and download sheet music to play them In your home, get tips for playing the piano, purchase original backing tracks and even share with the operator
or the community In materials, questions and relevant videos.

3. Changing the terms of use,the privacy policy and other statements.
The operator reserves the right to change these terms of use and our privacy policy, at its sole discretion, without the need to provide any notice or advance notice. You will not have any claims regarding such a change. Upon updating the change in these documents, the actual change will apply. Please check These documents at any relevant time. If you use the site after any change, then in fact you declare the use because you agree to the said changes. Any time you use the site, you agree to these terms of use and the site's privacy policy as binding agreements.

4. The website offers paid content for purchase.
In addition the site will contain many contents that will be password protected and will require registration and a subscription to the site. The website may, but is not obligated, to present additional content and classes free of charge, but it is also entitled block access to these contents at any time, at its sole discretion

5. Purchase of subscriptions.
The various subscriptions will purchase in accordance with the conditions detailed on the website next to each subscription, according to the prices list there. A subscription will not come into effect before the payment for it has been paid, and it will continue to be valid only during the period in question to which it applies, according to its conditions. As long as the clearing company does not approve the relevant payment, the subscription will not take effect.

6. Termination of the website and any part of it.
The operator, at his sole discretion, may change and/or terminate at any time the activity and/or availability of the site and any component, class or product appearing on it, without the need to provide a reason, notice or any advance notice.

8. The website is intended for personal-private use only.
It is absolutely forbidden to make any use of the site that is not for personal use private, not commercial.

9. The website will include content at the operator's discretion that will help you learn to play the piano. the contents, their scope, their type and any other feature of them will be at the sole discretion of the operator, and may change from time to time without any notice

10. The lessons, the content and the rest of the activity on the website – are paid,
unless stated otherwise. The classes, the courses and all other activities on the site will be available only to our subscribers. However, the site may have some free activity. This should not be considered a commitment of the site to add and provide it, with or without payment. The moment you stop paying for your subscription, it will end and the site may prevent you from using it.

11. Prices may change.
Subscription prices, classes or any other service or product can be updated at any time even without prior notice. However, you will not be charged any fee, unless you have agreed to it

12. The content of the site may change. The website, all or any part thereof, may change from time to time, including any changes In its structure, in its various contents (including classes, notes and more), the appearance and design, the scope and availability of the services the various ones that are or are not included in it,  and all without the need to notify in advance.
Please follow carefully and make sure you are up-to-date on any such changes.

13. The site is under constant construction.
Since we are always working to improve and increase the enjoyment of the site, it is under construction constant Therefore, the site will include empty pages and/or contents that have not yet been uploaded to it. You do not and will not have any claim on the absence of these contents.

14. The pictures are for illustration only.
The images displayed on the website are for illustration purposes only and do not in any way bind the operator.

15. Customer service. As long as you contact us via the "Create Contact" button at the bottom of the pages for questions, clarifications and requests, we will do our best to answer your inquiries as soon as we can.
This should not be seen as an obligation to respond to every inquiry and/or for a quick response time .

The Use Of The Website

16. It is forbidden to use the website

*  For purposes that are not personal and yours only
*  in a manner or for purposes that are not legal, for fraudulent purposes
   or other purposes intended to cause damage, harassment deception or any other harm to any person or entity.
*  In a way that may allow, encourage, induce, or incite others to act in violation of the law.
*  In a way that may cause you or others injury and/or any physical damage
*  in a way that may cause a violation of the rights of the site, its users and/or third parties
   (whether contractual rights or proprietary including the right to privacy, intellectual property rights such as
   copyrights,  trademarks, etc 
*  In a way that harms or harasses others or violates the privacy of others
*  In a manner that provokes discussion or harms any person or entity
*  In a way that allows, encourages, induces or stimulates others to violate any law or agreement
*  In a way that may impose legal liability on the website or damage its reputation in any way
*  In a way that reduces the enjoyment of others from the website (for example only through prevention
   attacks) (DoS) service  (etc.)
*  In a way that includes the introduction of computer code, software or applications that include a computer virus
   (viruses), spyware(spyware) and other hostile software (such as Trojan horses, worms and other harmful applications)
*  In a way that includes using and/or creating access to any content, service or product that would normally require
  a password or payment to see, browse or download it
*  In a way that harms the objectivity or credibility of the site
*  To share through the site any content (text, file, image, video, etc.) that has a violation of rights authors,
    trademarks or any other  intellectual property of a third party as well as any law and/or agreement.

please note The company and the site have a policy of removing any material that infringes on the aforementioned rights, which will not detract from your responsibility in any way law and according to this document

17. Termination of service and its blocking.
The site will be entitled at any time, at its sole discretion, to stop or refuse to grant service, information and/or transaction as well as block any user's access to the site or any of its various parts,
all at discretion The sole discretion of the operator and without prior notice. However, to the extent that such access is blocked, this will only be done for reasonable reasons and no payment will be charged in relation to it for
a period or service not yet consumed

18. The payment for the subscription fee.
Each subscriber who registers on the website undertakes to pay the subscription fees corresponding to that subscription purchase, and according to the conditions detailed on the relevant page on the website. However, the site may change any subscription plan at all time (or at the time of its termination, as long as the program was established for a fixed period of time) It is important to understand that the payment for the subscription is a recurring payment, collected in advance, before its period. As much as the collection is not. If the payment is not made (for any reason, regardless of its essence), the user will not be entitled to access the contents as a subscriber The subscriber hereby agrees, and by purchasing the subscription, to the site to collect the subscription fees using the payment method that you his details were provided by the site on the relevant date. As long as the credit company or other body refuses to make the payment to him The subscriber has committed, the subscriber agrees that the site may at any time suspend and freeze the use of the site as a subscriber until further notice arrange the relevant payment. In such a case, the site may charge a fee as required in relation to the payment that was not made . The forums, community and user content on the site

19. Your details will be exposed.
Upon your registration in the community and your activity in it, your following details will be exposed and visible to the public Users: photo and full name

20. User content on the website.
The site may activate forums, comments and other places where users can upload content to the site.
Please note that user content uploaded in any form to the site has not been tested and is not monitored by us

21. Use of content on the website and user content.
It is forbidden to use the content on the website, including content users, without obtaining the prior consent of their owners for use. Any such use violates copyright and the site opposes to him in force.

22. Prohibition of harming the site and other users.
As mentioned above, these conditions prohibit you, as the uploading user content to the website, upload offensive, harmful, law- or rights-violating content and any other malfunction (to the website or to the users) Others (all as specified in section 16 above

23. Logic and caution - required.
However, it is possible that there will be users who will not respect the agreement they signed with the site or third parties. Therefore, you are asked to exercise common sense and caution when you are exposed to user content on the website.
Please scan every file uploaded to the site for viruses and malfunctions, assume that the content you encounter will not be content business or authentic and may even violate third party rights (including privacy and intellectual property rights).

24. Reporting of malfunctions in the conduct of other users.
As you come across community postings or your personal box that offend you, please draw our attention to it in the contact form at the bottom of the page and we will take care of it accordingly.

25. Reporting of faults and violations.
The site does not support violations of copyright, privacy, goodwill or any other right However, as mentioned - the website cannot be responsible for the content uploaded to it, nor can it decide who is right in case of doubt. Therefore, our policy is not to intervene in the content that appears with us unless a complaint has been received about it Offensive content in one way or another. You can send a complaint via email as part of the complaint, please specify exactly which content you mean (including the direct link to it) and what in that content offends you

26. The complaints.
Your complaint must include the following details Exact details identifying the right holder or the complainant Accurate identification of the content against which you are complaining Sufficient means of contact that will allow us to contact you if we need to (an active email address for all the least The content to which the complaint refers and what the complaint itself is A statement that the complaint is true to the best of your knowledge Please make sure that the entire complaint is correct and accurate, sign the complaint in your name and send it to us according to the contact information mentioned earlier.

27. Treatment of complaints.
Upon receipt of a complete complaint, we will work to remove the offending content from the site as quickly as possible within the limitations we face. For your attention - a notification about the download of the contents and a copy of your request will be provided as soon as possible Allow the publisher of the content. The site will not be responsible for resolving the dispute between you and you will have to resolve this matter between you Those whose contents have been downloaded will be entitled to apply to the court to return them to the website and the website will be entitled to deliver He has the details of the complainant against him. You will not have any claim against providing this information. The rights on the website and its contents

28. The rights on the website and its contents:
the full rights, including intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks etc.) on the website, in its design, in the services included in it, in the contents and videos included in it (including videos the originals in it, but with the exception of user content), in the code that makes it up and in all other components of the services (including in all file ,data, sound, image, video or other) or information (whether in text, graphics or in any other way) ("Content") are in the hands of the site, or with a license that can only be given to the site.

29. Prohibition of use of contents.
Therefore, any use of any kind and type is prohibited on the website and/or its contents except according to the authority which the website expressly grants only in these conditions. Any use inconsistent with the permission granted in relation For that content, any copying, distribution or other use of the content is prohibited unless explicitly stated otherwise.
It is strictly forbidden to make any changes, copy, reproduce, publish, trade, create a derivative work, sell, transfer, display and perform any other action in the content of the website and/or in the design of the website and/or in any other protected work, unless Prior written permission was given for this.

30. The limited use license:
The site hereby grants you a limited personal use license in it, in its classes, in the videos It and all its other contents, in accordance with its normal user interface and subject to payment of the full relevant subscription fees for any such content.
This license to use is not exclusive, and it will be automatically revoked at any time you do not comply with these conditions in the site's ,requirements or in any payment that the site requests. Your responsibility, and the website's limitation of liability

31. The website and all information, lessons, tips and all other content are provided "is-as" without any representation (or warranty) of any kind whatsoever. There are and will not be any guarantees or representations (express or implied), including but not limited to the absence of an explicit or implicit representation regarding the quality of the products and services offered (for example the lessons and videos, their reliability, the availability and correctness of the application, their commerciality (Merchantability) Adapting them to the user's needs or any other need, for being free of any violation of law, agreement or party right any third party as well as being free of any virus or other hostile software.

32. Absence of responsibility for any damage.
The site, its operator and anyone on their behalf will not be responsible for the user or any third party which is, in any way whatsoever, any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or any other damages of any kind (including but not limited to - loss of data, loss of profits and transactions, etc.), whether due to defects in content and information, lack of Ability to use the information, its inadequacy and/or non-delivery of the information or delay in its delivery and for any other reason Involving in any way the use of the website, including payment by credit card without the owner's consent, payment by a minor and/or an invalid without the consent of his parents and/or guardian, an action performed on the site by any third party that enters the site and causes damage, an action performed by some third party using your password on the site, etc. also, the site, its operator and anyone on their behalf are not responsible for any damage caused as a result of a payment made to the site and/or any inability for any reason to make any payment, even if as a result of an act, omission and/or negligence of The site and anyone on its behalf.

33. Interpretation of the website's responsibility in a narrow way. To the extent that the law in your place of residence does not allow the limitation of the site's liability In the manner stated above, this section must be interpreted in the manner that minimizes the responsibility of the site and its operator as much as possible, and in any case, the website's financial responsibility for any damage and/or expense of any kind will not exceed the amount paid by the specific user of the website for the twelve (12) months prior to the occurrence of the damage.

34. there is no guarantee for continuous or fault-free functioning.
It is clarified that the site cannot and does not undertake to function or for this or that structure and for continuous and fault-free operation, whether they result from a hardware fault, a software fault, a fault Communication in accessing the website, a fault in the website's servers and/or any other similar fault. The site does not commit to continuous activity to some extent.

35. There is no guarantee for adapting the content to your needs.
Please note that the content on the site may not suit your needs or your level. In such a case, you are welcome to contact us and we will cancel the subscription you purchased as soon as possible and we will not charge you funds beyond that. However, there is no obligation to cancel any such subscription, and the responsibility for purchasing the subscription is yours only.

36. No responsibility for mistakes.
We do check all the content uploaded to the site by us, but it is hereby clarified that there are none we are and will not be responsible for any error, oversight, omission or addition included in any of the lessons, sheet music or any content another found on the site.

37. Indemnification in cases of violation of law or contract on your behalf. You undertake to indemnify the site, the operator and/or anyone on their behalf In respect of any damage, loss, loss-profit, payment or expense incurred by them - including attorney's fees and court costs - due to Violation of these terms of use or the other terms associated with the site.

38. Reasonable security measures, without warranty.
The site uses security measures at its best discretion. naturally It is not possible to prevent hacks or other interruptions to the site's activity. The site will not be responsible for any damage caused to anyone from the users due to any hacking of the data and/or the website Links

39. Links to other websites:
The website contains links to various websites. These links are for your convenience only. The site is not related to and does not control the content and information that appear on the sites to which these links lead or that we take from them and does not bear any responsibility for the contents that appear there. These links are not listed on the website for any reason approval of the content that appears in them or because of the establishment of any connection between the site and the aforementioned sites. If you come across it In a link whose content is illegal, offensive, violates rights or is invalid for any other reason - please inform us early.

40. Links may be incorrect. Also, there is no guarantee that all the links that will appear on the site will be correct and will lead to an active website. The operator may remove from the site at any time any link found on it or change it, according to his sole discretion.

41. Displaying pages, videos and other content on the website in other places - prohibited:
do not display the website pages and any lesson and/or video and/or other content included in it on other websites or apps, for example through frames. do not make any deep link to the website pages or other presentation of the website on any other websites.

42. Cancellation of this agreement.
In any case where a competent court will determine that these conditions or any of them, all or part of them, are not are valid or must be changed, their clauses will be replaced by clauses whose content is as close as possible to the content of the clauses of the agreements. The rest of their clauses will be waived. However, the terms of this agreement will continue to apply between the parties even after the termination of use on the website or ending the subscription.

43. Waiver. Waiver by a party of a right granted to him shall not be regarded as a waiver of any other right.

44. Shortening the limitation period. The users hereby agree that any claim or demand directed against the site, the operator and anyone on his behalf will be limited to a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of the formation of the cause, and will expire as soon as may this date pass. This section should be considered as an agreement for the limitation period according to section 19 of the Limitation Law. in light of the nature of the use of the application.
This provision will prevail over any other legal provision

45. Arbitration, local authority and applicable law: any dispute that arises between you and the site, the operator and anyone on its behalf, including a dispute in connection with its use, its services, etc., will be brought before an arbitrator knowledgeable in the Internet field and the technology, whose office is located in the Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan or Herzliya area and whose identity will be determined by the chairman of the bureau The lawyers in Israel at the request of any of the parties. The arbitrator will be entitled to grant temporary relief and interim orders. The selector will not be Bound by civil law but will be bound by the laws of evidence and substantive law. The arbitrator will be obliged to give reasons for his decision. The authorized court in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Law, 1968- will be the courts located in the city of Tel Spring. This section constitutes an arbitration agreement between the parties for all intents and purposes Subject to and without deviating from the aforementioned, in any matter that is not within the scope of the arbitrator's authority, or in any matter in which there will be no applicability this arbitration agreement, for any reason whatsoever, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the competent court in Tel District Spring in Israel. The law applicable to any dispute between the parties will be Israeli law without reference to law clauses 46. Selling the website and/or contents: The website and its owners reserve the right to sell the website or its contents as well as the body the manager or his business to any entity without the need to obtain the consent of the users. This will not establish any claim or claim against them. Also, the site may transfer these terms and the rest of the agreements therein to any third party Otherwise and even this conversion will not establish a claim or claim against any party.

Purchase Orders

We are the owners and operators of "Piano Freak" ("the Website"),
a website open for public use subject to its Terms and Conditions found under this link Terms Of Use  ("the ToU").
The following Standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (“the Order”) supplement and add to the ToU and both will be considered as a binding agreement between yourself ("the Buyer") and the Website.
Any use of the Website is subject to both the ToU and the Order. The Buyer hereby accepts and agrees by clicking  " I Agree".

To remove any doubt, any download or receipt of any Product (as
defined below) shall constitute acceptance of this Order and the ToU.
This Order supplements the ToU (including the lack of liability and
warrants section)but does not diminish it in any manner.

1. The Products:
The Website is mainly free to use under our ToU and as stated therein.
Nevertheless, some of our services may require registration and/or payment. Such payment shall be also bound by the terms of this Order in addition to our ToU.
Payment may be required for any use of the Website or any of its
content (located therein or on other platform) at the Website sole
discrepancy, as well as may change from time to time without notice to you (any and all such use or content will be referred herein as the Product). When a Product is relevant to certain other content appearing on the Website or any other platform (such as Youtube), the Website reserves all rights to change, edit, modify, add or delete any such content at its sole discretion and without notice to you. You will be authorized to keep the Product you had purchased. Nevertheless, the Website does not undertake that the relevant content shall always be online or available to you and states that it may be changed at any time, at the Website's sole discretion.

2. Products may not be returned; Payment may not be refunded:
As the Products are digital and/or easy to copy, all purchases and
downloads are final. Please make sure you verify that you purchase or
download the Product you wish for as any payment may not be refunded or reimbursed, for any reason. You should use the thumbnail photo attached to any relevant Product to make sure you are purchasing the Product that is right for you.

3. Musical-notes content related Products:
The Website may also sell Products that include musical-notes or other
instructions to any of the songs or other works displayed on the Website or on any other platform (such as the Website's channel on YouTube). For such Products, the following terms shall apply as well:

1. The relevant thumbnail attached pictures are designed to make
sure you pre-check your choice and make sure you order only what
you wish for. Please use them prior to the purchase. The Website
will not be liable to any mistake and will not refund you for any reason.

2. Each of the lessons, videos and other content related to each
relevant Product you purchase (such as but not limited to – musical-
notes content) may be change, amended, moved, deleted or
otherwise edited at any time as the Website's sole discretion,
without notice. The Website does not undertake to permanently
display any of the content at all times.

3. Prices of Products may be changed at any time without notice to
you. The contractually binding price will only be the one displayed
upon purchase and included in the Website's acceptance of your

4. Mistakes and mis-writings within the Products may happen.
Products are not foolproof or otherwise error free. We do check our
Products and try to verify that they will not include any mistakes,
errors or other discrepancies, yet we do not undertake that such
discrepancies may never happen. If you locate such mistake or
discrepancy, please let us know. We will amend them and send you
the amended Product, free of charge.

5. The musical-notes (and Products) may include reference to the
relevant video clip, lesson or other content they address, yet the
Website is under no undertaking to include such reference in any
and all Products.

6. Invoices, payment, and taxes:
Invoices shall be rendered on completion of execution of this Order, by
the e-mail address as supplied by you, the Buyer.

7. No Warranties and limitation of liability: 
Without derogating from anything contained in the Tou (including the
chapter "Your liability and limitation of the Website's liability") you, Buyer,
declare that you understand that anything on the Website and any of its
platforms is supplied As-Is, without any warranty or representation by
Website. For example, as much as we constantly check any Product, it may include any error or mistake.

8. Intellectual Property rights:
Upon payment for any such Products the Website hereby grants you
license to use any such Products you purchase solely for your own non-
commercial and personal use (for expanding your musical knowledge and practicing). Nevertheless, you may not copy, make reproductions, sell, give, distribute, make available to the public, transmit, broadcast, make derivative works or use any of the Products or any part thereof in any other manner, including no commercial use of any kind.
We retain all other rights in the Products and works contained therein,
including property right, intellectual property rights and any other rights

9. dispute resolution and laws:

Disputes arising under this Order, the Tou and anything related thereto,
will be resolved by the parties through good faith negotiations in the ordinary course of business. Any dispute not so resolved will be submitted for binding arbitration, before a single arbitrator with expertise in digital and technology laws and an office in Tel-Aviv, Ramat-Gan or Herzliya (in Israel). Said arbitrator shall be chosen by the Head of the Israeli Bar Association at the written request of either party.
Arbitrator may issue interim injunctions and remedies. The amount and
responsibility for payment of arbitration costs will be one of the issues decided
by the arbitrator, whose decision will be in accordance with the ToU and this Order. No damages excluded by or in excess of the damage limitations set therein shall be awarded.
The relevant law for such arbitration shall be solely the Israeli law and
laws of evidence, excluding conflict of law rules. Arbitrator shall not be bound
by the Israeli Civil Law Regulations.
The competent court for such arbitration shall be the one in the Tel
Aviv district. Arbitration is the exclusive remedy for disputes arising under this Agreement; the parties hereby waive their rights to bring a lawsuit to resolve a dispute arising under this Order or the ToU.

10. Miscellaneous:
Non-assignment: Assignment of this Order or any interest in it without
the written consent of the Website will be void.
Remedies: Each of the rights and remedies reserved to Website under
this Order shall be cumulative and additional to any other remedies provided in law, equity or other contract. No delay or failure by Website in the exercise of any of its rights or remedies shall affect any such right or remedy and will not be deemed to be a waiver of any such right or remedy.
Notices: All notices, consents, waivers, and other communications
required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Order, shall be in writing (digital or electronical writing included) and shall be deemed to have been delivered on the delivery date if sent by e-mail or similar immediate media. Email or other contact address supplied to the Website by Purchaser and the email address of __________ shall be deemed its dully address for such service of notices.

Severability: If any provision of this Order shall be held or deemed to
be or shall, in fact, be illegal, inoperative or unenforceable, this provision shall not affect any other provision or provisions contained in this Order. 
Paragraph titles: The paragraph titles are solely for convenience of
reference and shall not affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Order.

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